1.1 The novel corona virus, SARS-CoV-2, causes a viral respiratory illness
called COVID-19, which can make people sick with flu-like and other
symptoms. The virus spreads easily when an infected person sneezes, coughs,
or speaks, sending tiny droplets into the air. These droplets can land in the
nose, mouth, or eyes of someone nearby and cause illness. This viral illness
can also be caught from airborne virus, when small particles of infectious virus
remain suspended in the air and people inhale them. People can also become
infected if they touch an infectious virus on a surface and then touch their
own nose, mouth, or eyes.

1.2 Some of the symptoms of COVID-19 are cough, fever, shortness of breath,
and new loss of taste or smell. Some people with mild cases may have no
symptoms at all yet still can spread the virus. Avoiding crowded indoor spaces,
improving indoor ventilation, staying at least six feet away from people outside
of your household, covering your nose and mouth with a face covering, and
washing hands often with soap and water can help stop COVID-19 from
spreading in the workplace.


2.1 We are committed to protecting our employees and preventing the spread
of COVID-19. We developed this program to reduce our workers’ risk of
catching and spreading this virus. We encourage employees to share
information about potential COVID-19 hazards at our workplace and assist in
evaluating these hazards. We will investigate all workplace illnesses and
correct hazards that are identified. We stay informed on the virus presence in
our community as well as recommendations made by national and local health
agencies. We review and update this plan as necessary.

2.2 We will endeavor to keep this program plan up to date and based on the
latest regulations and guidance. However, even if this plan is not updated, we
will abide by the latest, in effect regulations and guidance notwithstanding the
fact that this plan has not been updated.

We treat all persons, regardless of symptoms or negative test results, as
potentially infectious. We select and implement feasible control measures to
minimize or eliminate employee exposure to COVID-19. We review orders and
guidance on COVID-19 hazards and prevention from the local health
department, including general information and information specific to our
industry, location, and operations. We correct unsafe or unhealthy conditions,
work practices, policies, and procedures in a timely manner based on the
severity of the hazard.

We ask all employees to confidentially report, without fear of discrimination or
retaliation, any symptoms, potential exposures, and possible hazards relating
to COVID-19 at the workplace. We communicate information about COVID-19
hazards and our COVID-19 policies and procedures to employees and other
employers, persons, and entities that come in contact with our workplace